The ARK series is my tribute to the piece of paper, both the white piece of paper lying in front of you, offering endless possibilities, and the finished painting or poem telling its own story in all its beauty. This is where the name stems from; my work of ark is simply the work made out of  ‘ARK’ (the Swedish word for ‘sheet of paper’).

My art focuses on the tactile experience of the work. The form speaks and plays the main role. In that sense, each ARK is equally much a sculpture as a painting. The pieces are carefully composed in small quantities and each ARK is unique in its expression and texture.

Nature and especially the forest is my true inspiration in the creative process and during my walks in the Swedish forests my eyes are constantly searching for new angles and textures that I bring back with me to the studio and translate into new works of art.

The artworks intend to interact with the light of the surroundings as a tribute to the light of the forest which finds its way through the treetops and plays on the different textures and forms that meet the eye. Therefore, most of the pieces have a monochrome expression, which helps exploring and enhancing the contrast between light and shadow built up by the folds and forms of each specific artwork.

As mentioned, ARK is the Swedish word for ´sheet of paper’  and each piece is sculpted by hand using various types of paper and layers of paint. Paper as a medium is both playful, creative and interesting and a given choice when the shapes of the forest are to be interpreted in the works. The material’s natural connection to the trees creates a movement from the source of origin to the canvas and the circle is thereby closed.

Nowhere is my mind at ease as much as when I get to fully engage in a creative process, and nothing as satisfying as seeing the creative idea gradually taking shape and become reality. This is my element, my work of ark.

With LOVE🤍
Work of ARK.